2011 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport Ignition Key Programming Instructions

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How to Program a 2011 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport Ignition Key
Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:
If you have a regular key or a remote head key use the following instructions to add a key to the system. (Except for cars sold in Canada)
You need to have two already programmed working keys to add a key to the system. If you do not have two programmed key then you will have to have a locksmith program a second key for you. To find a locksmith in your area visit LocateALocksmith.com
1.  Insert the first programmed key into the ignition and turn the key to the ON position for 5 seconds.
2.  Turn the key to the LOCK position and remove first key.
3.  Within 30 seconds of turning the first key to the LOCK position, insert second programmed key into ignition and turn to the ON position. About 10 seconds later, the immobilizer light will start to blink.
4.  When the immobilizer light starts blinking, turn the second key to the LOCK position and remove the key. Within 30 seconds after removing second key, insert the new unprogrammed key into the ignition and turn to the ON position. Do this no more than 30 seconds after the immobilizer light starts blinking. When programming is complete the immobilizer light will come on for 3 seconds and then go off. If an error occurs, the immobilizer light will go off during the procedure.
5. To program another key repeat steps 1 thru 4. 
If you have a remote head key, you have only programmed the key portion of the key, use the following procedure to program the remote portion of the key. You will need one already programed remote to get the vehicle into programming mode.
1. Have all current and new remotes you want to program.
2.  Using a programmed remote, press the UNLOCK button for 4 to 10 seconds. Then press and hold the LOCK button. 
3.  Within 10 seconds of pressing the LOCK button, release the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons in sequence.  At this time all remotes except for the remote you used in step 2 and 3 are erased and the doors will lock and unlock to inform you that you are in programming mode.
4.  Within 60 seconds after step 3, program the remaining remotes by
     a. Pressing both LOCK and UUNLOCK buttons at same time for 2 seconds.
     b. Release both the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons for 1 second.
     c. Press the UNLOCK button and release.
If programming is successful door locks will lock and unlock. Repeat step 4 within 60 seconds for each additional remote you wish to program.
5.  If no addition remotes are programmed within 60 seconds after step 4 the vehicle will exit programming mode.
6. Test all remotes. 
If you have a Smart Key system use the following instructions to add a key to the system. (Except for cars sold in Canada)
 You need to have two already programmed working Smart Keys to add a Smart Key to the system. If you do not have two programmed keys then you will have to have a locksmith program a second key for you. To find a locksmith in your area visit LocateALocksmith.com
1. Open driver's door. Keep the driver's door open until Smart Key programming is finished. Do not open or close other doors.
2. While carrying the first programmed Smart Key, turn ignition to ON without starting. (Perform the following procedure within 30 seconds.)
3. Insert the new unprogrammed Smart Key into the key slot in the illustrated direction.
4. With the first programmed Smart Key, press the UNLOCK button for 4 to 10 seconds and press the LOCK button during this time.
5. Release in sequence the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons within 10 seconds of pressing the LOCK button in step 4.  (Perform the following procedure within 30 seconds.)
6. With the second programmed Smart Key, press the UNLOCK button for 4 to 10 seconds and press the LOCK button during this time.
7. Release in sequence the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons within 10 seconds of pressing the LOCK button in step 6. 
The immobilizer on the information screen in the multi-information display will blink. When programming is complete, the buzzer will sound 3 times and the immobilizer display will come on for 30 seconds.  If an error occurs. Smart Key programming will be terminated and the buzzer will sound for 3 seconds.
8. If you wish to program another Smart Key, repeat the process from step 1 after you have turned ignition OFF and removed new Smart Key from key slot.